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Intel Core Duo T2300E LF80539GF0282ME / BX80539T2300E information

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Type:CPU Manufacturer:Intel
family:Core Duo microprocessors:Intel Core Duo T2300E LF80539GF0282ME / BX80539T2300E
Type CPU / Microprocessor
Market segment Mobile
Intel Core Duo
Model number    T2300E
CPU part numbers
  • LF80539GF0282ME is an OEM/tray microprocessor
  • BX80539T2300E is a boxed microprocessor without fan and heatsink
Frequency    1667 MHz
Low power frequency 1000 MHz
Bus speed    667 MHz
Clock multiplier    10
Package 478-pin micro FC-PGA
Socket Socket M / mPGA478MT
Size 1.38" x 1.38" / 3.5cm x 3.5cm
S-spec numbers
  ES/QS processors Production processors
Part number QQPK SL9DM SL9JE
BX80539T2300E   + +
LF80539GF0282ME + + +
Architecture / Microarchitecture
Microarchitecture Mobile
Processor core    Yonah
Core steppings    C0 (SL9DM)
D0 (SL9JE)
Manufacturing process 0.065 micron
151 million transistors
Die size 90mm2
Data width 32 bit
The number of CPU cores 2
The number of threads 2
Floating Point Unit Integrated
Level 1 cache size    2 x 32 KB 8-way set associative instruction caches
2 x 32 KB 8-way set associative data caches
Level 2 cache size    Shared 2 MB 8-way set associative cache
Multiprocessing Uniprocessor
  • MMX instructions
  • SSE / Streaming SIMD Extensions
  • SSE2 / Streaming SIMD Extensions 2
  • SSE3 / Streaming SIMD Extensions 3
  • NX / XD / Execute disable bit   
Low power features
  • Core AutoHALT, C1/MWAIT, C2, C3 and C4 modes
  • Stop Grant mode   
  • Deep Sleep mode   
  • Deeper Sleep mode   
  • Enhanced Deeper Sleep mode   
  • Dynamic Cache sizing   
  • Enhanced SpeedStep technology   
Integrated peripherals / components
Integrated graphics None
Electrical / Thermal parameters
V core    1.1625V - 1.3V
Minimum/Maximum operating temperature    0°C - 100°C
Minimum/Maximum power dissipation    8.71 Watt (Enhanced Deeper Sleep mode) / 44.2 Watt
Thermal Design Power    31 Watt
Notes on Intel Core Duo T2300E (Socket M)
  • Bus frequency is 166 MHz. Because the processor uses Quad Data Rate bus the effective bus speed is 667 MHz

Intel Core Duo T2300E LF80539GF0282ME / BX80539T2300Emicroprocessors pictures
Intel Core Duo T2300E LF80539GF0282ME / BX80539T2300E

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